Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Don't do the "No-no"

Doctors are amongst the highest paid professions in the United States today. Their medicinal training is extensive, while the physical and mental training is just as thorough, so they can understand each individual patient. This being the case, a placebo is sometimes the treatment and it actually works. Our minds are powerful things.

Children's minds are even more powerful because they are thirsting for knowledge--all of them. While it may not always be the lessons that we intend for them to learn, they are still learning what it takes to get by in this great big world of ours. The subconscious learns from the subtle things we hear, see, smell, touch and feel, without consciously prompting it to do so. This is why hypnosis can be useful.

Sandy has a tattoo on her upper arm that she got when she was younger, never believing she would settle down and have children. As her life changed, she now realizes that this is not the example she wants for her children and is having her tattoo removed; however, this is taking several treatments. A light shadow, hardly noticeable, remains on her arm. More than likely no one else would notice it, but she is self-conscious and refuses to wear short sleeves or tank tops because she doesn’t want to instill ideas to her children. Unfortunately, she is instilling ideas subconsciously because neither of her children will wear shirts that show their shoulders and her son refuses to have his upper body bare. Because of the example they've witnessed their entire lives of their mother being well-covered, they've adapted the same comfort.

Keeping in mind that "actions speak louder than words" is extremely important when setting an example for your child. Of course, they will hear what you instruct them to do, but even more they will copy what they see. If a parent smokes or drinks on a regular basis, or commits crimes, anticipate the child following the example. If the child sees the parent attending church on a regular basis, or even doing price comparisons while shopping, the child can have expectations to do the same.

Even the highest paid professionals, such a psychiatrists, are still learning the way the mind works after years upon years of studying. Without having the education ourselves, picking up on the little things they offer us that can help us with our children may end up saving a lot in the long run. The long and short of it? If the children aren't supposed to do it, the adult shouldn't be doing it either.

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